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SEEFOR is an open-access, peer-reviewed, international journal of forest science.
Before preparing the manuscript, please read the Journal's Aims and Scope to have an overview and to assess if the contents of your manuscript is written according to the Journal's scope. More information please find in the journal’s sections Publication Procedure, Publication Policy, Open Access & Copyright and Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement.
To facilitate the publishing process, please follow these Guidelines to prepare your manuscript. Manuscripts not prepared in accordance with these guidelines will be returned to authors.
The journal publishes original scientific papers, preliminary communications and review papers written in the English language. During the submission process authors are required to propose the category of the submitted manuscript.
- Original scientific papers report unpublished results of original research. The papers have to contain all the necessary information to enable repeatability of the described research.
- Preliminary communications contain unpublished preliminary, but significant, results of ongoing research which require immediate publication. The papers do not have to contain enough details to test reported results, as is the case with original scientific papers.
- Review papers provide original, critical and up-to-date review of a particular field or topic in forest science based on relevant, updated and complete references.
Authors must use the Microsoft Word template to prepare their manuscript that will facilitate the formatting and manuscript preparation.
Manuscripts should be submitted electronically by following the Manuscript Submission hyperlink. The entire submission and editorial process is carried out by using the Open Journal System and the appropriate on-line forms. Electronic submissions substantially reduce editorial processing, as well as shorten the reviewing and the overall publication time. Also, it allows authors to follow the editorial process and check the status of their manuscripts.
During the submission process authors are required to agree with the journal’s conditions stated in the Submission Checklist and Copyright Notice.
The submission of a manuscript implies: that the research described has not been published before; that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere; that is prepared according to the Guidelines for Authors; that its publication has been approved by all co-authors. It is the author's responsibility to obtain a permission to reproduce illustrations, tables, etc. from other publications. One of the criteria considered in reviewing manuscripts is the proper treatment of animals. In particular, the use of painful or otherwise noxious stimuli should be carefully and thoroughly justified. Papers that do not meet these criteria will not be accepted for publication.
Unless otherwise noted, the Publishers retain the copyright on all papers published in the Journal, (whether in print or electronic form) under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, but allow anyone to download, reuse, reprint, distribute or copy them, as long as the original author and title are properly cited. For more detailed information please read Open Access & Copyright.
Language and Style
Only papers written in proper English (UK language standard) are considered. The authors have to follow a concise scientific style of writing. The authors need to ensure that the manuscript does not contain grammatical, stylistic or other linguistic errors. Thus, the authors that are not native speakers of English are kindly asked to use an independent copy-editing service.
Manuscript Layout and Manuscript Template
Manuscripts have to be submitted as a single MS Word file (.docx) with all tables and figures inserted into the main text close to their first citation. There are no limitations on the length of manuscripts, provided that the text is concise and comprehensive.
Authors must use the Microsoft Word template to prepare their manuscript. The template details the rules for manuscript preparation. Manuscript template is consisted of two parts: General information and Main text.
General Information
This part includes:
- Title of the manuscript,
- Full names of the authors with the indication of the corresponding author,
- Full names of institutional addresses,
- E-mail address for the corresponding author,
- Author Contributions,
- Funding,
- Acknowledgments,
- Conflict of Interest,
- Suggested reviewers.
IMPORTANT: Because of the double-blind peer review process, this part of the manuscript will not be disclosed to reviewers during the review procedure. Also, it is recommended for the co-authors to avoid being identified anywhere in the manuscript. Please note that during the manuscript submission, you will be requested to submit the complete information of all authors, including e-mail addresses, in the OJS page. This information will not be revealed to the reviewers but it will be available to the editors.
Main Text
The structure of the manuscript has to follow the intended category of the paper.
An original scientific paper should have the following sections:
- Title,
- Abstract,
- Keywords,
- Introduction,
- Materials and Methods,
- Results,
- Discussion,
- Conclusions,
- Appendix (if any),
- References,
- Supplementary files (if any).
Exceptionally, Results and Discussion or Discussion and Conclusions may be combined in a single section. Other paper categories are not required to have all the above-mentioned sections. For example, Review papers may have a different structure, e.g. Material and Methods, and the Results sections may be omitted.
This part includes:
- Title of the manuscript;
- Full names of the authors with the indication of the corresponding author;
- Full names of institutional addresses;
- E-mail address for the corresponding author;
- Author Contributions;
- Funding;
- Acknowledgments;
- Conflict of Interest;
- Suggested reviewers.
IMPORTANT: Because of the double-blind peer review process, this part of the manuscript will not be disclosed to reviewers during the review procedure. Also, it is recommended for the co-authors to avoid being identified anywhere in the manuscript. Please note that during the manuscript submission, you will be requested to submit the complete information of all authors, including e-mail addresses, in the OJS page. This information will not be revealed to the reviewers but it will be available to the editors.
The title must be concise but informative. Avoid abbreviations and colloquialisms.
An Abstract of no more than 400 words written within the one single paragraph should give a pertinent overview and factual condensation of the entire work. It should provide: the context and purpose (aims) of the study, short description of materials and methods applied, a clear description of the main findings (results) and, finally, a concise presentation of the main conclusions. An abstract should not contain cited references and the use of abbreviations must be minimized.
The abstract is followed by 4-7 keywords, preferably different than the title words.
Keep the Introduction brief, stating clearly the purpose of the research and its relation to other papers on the same subject. The current state of the research field should be reviewed carefully and key publications cited, but do not give an extensive and needless review of literature.
Materials and Methods
Provide enough information in the Material and Methods section to enable other researchers to repeat the study. New methods and protocols should be described in detail while well-established methods can be briefly described and appropriately cited. This section may be divided into subsections and subsubsections (Study Area, Field Measurement, Statistical Analysis, etc.), but it is optional.
Report results clearly and concisely. Do not present the same results in tables and illustrations. Exceptionally, Results and Discussion may be combined in a single section. This section may be divided into subsections, but it is optional.
Interpret the results in the Discussion, state their meaning and draw conclusions. Do not simply repeat the results. This section may be divided into subsections, but it is optional.
This section is mandatory. List your conclusions in a short, clear and simple manner. State only those conclusions that stem directly from the results shown in the paper.
Appendix (if any)
Report results clearly and concisely. Do not present the same results in tables and illustrations. Exceptionally, Results and Discussion may be combined in a single section. This section may be divided into subsections, but it is optional.
In-text citations
In-text references should be placed in brackets and placed before the punctuation. Avoid citing non-scientific literatures (e.g. legislations, regulations, web pages, etc.) as much as possible. If necessary, documents such as: personal communications, regulations and unpublished works should only be mentioned in the text, preferably in parentheses.
Citations must report the lastname of the author followed by the year of publication (James 2018). In case of publications with two authors, lastnames of both authors must be reported (James and Smith 2018). When citing publications with more than two authors, the name of the first author is followed by "et al." (James et al. 2018). Publications by the same authors and published in the same year should be labelled with the letters a, b, c, etc. (James et al. 2018a, James et al. 2018b). Multiple citations along the text must be in chronological order, separated by commas (James et al. 2018a, James et al. 2018b, Brown 2019, Smith 2019).
Reference list
All references cited in the text, including those in tables and figures, have to be listed in this section in the alphabetical order. The list of references should only include works that are cited in the text and that have been published or accepted for publication.
It is important that you follow exactly the formatting instructions given here because all deviations from these instructions will cause delay in publishing of your manuscript. We recommend preparing the references with a bibliography software package, such as ReferenceManager, EndNote, or Zotero to avoid typing mistakes and duplicated references. Include the digital object identifier (DOI) for all references where available. Abbreviate journal titles according to the ISO4 Abbreviation and Journal Title Abbreviations from Web of Science.
You can download the current style for South-east European forestry from the journal website.
- Journal paper
Lastname FM, Lastname FM, Lastname FM, Year. Title of the paper. Abbreviated Journal Name Volume(Issue): Firstpage-lastpage. doi (if available).
Nicolescu V-N, Buzatu-Goanță C, Bartlett D, Iacob N, 2019. Regeneration and Early Tending of Black Locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) Stands in the North-West of Romania. South-east Eur for 10(2): 97-105. https://doi.org/10.15177/seefor.19-14.
Ostrogović Sever MZ, Alberti G, Delle Vedove G, Marjanović H, 2019. Temporal Evolution of Carbon Stocks, Fluxes and Carbon Balance in Pedunculate Oak Chronosequence under Close-To-Nature Forest Management. Forests 10(9): 814. https://doi.org/10.3390/f10090814.
- Paper in Proceedings
Lastname FM, Lastname FM, Lastname FM, Year. Title of the paper. In: Lastname FM, Lastname FM (eds) Title of Collected Work (if available) or Proceedings of the Name of the Conference, Location of Conference, Country, Date of Conference. Publisher, City, Country, Firstpage-lastpage.
Balenović I, Seletković A, Pernar R, Marjanović H, Vuletić D, Benko M, 2012. Comparison of Classical Terrestrial and Photogrammetric Method in Creating Management Division. In: Pentek T, Poršinsky T, Šporčić M (eds) Forest Engineering - Concern, Knowledge and Accountability in Today’s Environment, Proceedings of 45th International Symposium on Forestry Mechanization, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 8-12 October 2012. University of Zagreb, Faculty of Forestry, Zagreb, Croatia, pp 1-13.
- Book
Lastname FM, Lastname FM, Year. Title of the Book. Edition. Publisher, City, Country, Pages. doi (if available).
Van Laar A, Akça A, 2007. Forest Mensuration. 2nd edn. Springer, Dordrecht, Netherlands, 383 p. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4020-5991-9.
- Chapter in a book
Lastname FM, Lastname FM, Year. Title of the Chapter. In: Lastname FM, Lastname FM (eds) Title of the Book. Edition. Publisher, City, Country, Firstpage-lastpage. doi (if available).
Curtis PS, 2008. Estimating Aboveground Carbon in Live and Standing Dead Trees. In: Hoover CM (ed) Field Measurements for Forest Carbon Monitoring. Springer, Dordrecht, Netherlands, pp. 39-44. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4020-8506-2_4.
- Thesis
Lastname FM, Year. Title of the Thesis. Type of Thesis (PhD or MSc Thesis), Faculty, City, Country, Pages.
Anić M, 2019. Inter-annual variability of CO2 exchange between pedunculate oak forest (Quercus robur L.) and the atmosphere. PhD Thesis, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science, Zagreb, Croatia, 106 p.
- Non-scientific literature
a) Paper in online magazine
Lastname FM, Lastname FM, Lastname FM, Year. Title of the paper in online non-scientific magazine. Journal Abbreviation (if available) or full Journal name Volume(Issue): Firstpage-lastpage (if available). Available online: URL (Date of accessing).
Lemmens M, 2011. Digital Photogrammetric Workstations, Status and Features. GIM International 25 (12). Available online: http://www.gim-international.com/issues/articles/id1797-Digital_Photogrammetric_Workstations.html (20 November 2012).
b) Manuals, Reports and other documents from web pages
Lastname FM of Authors or Institution (preferably abbreviation), Year. Title of the manual or report. Institution (publisher), City, Country, Page range. Available online: URL (Date of accessing).
FAO, 2012. State of the World’s Forests 2012. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy, 47 p. Available online: http://www.fao.org/docrep/016/i3010e/i3010e.pdf (12 December 2013).
c) Professional and other web pages
Title of Site, Year (if applicable). Title of the Topic (if applicable). Available online: URL (Date of accessing).
Croatian Forests Ltd., 2013. Forests in Croatia. Available online: http://portal.hrsume.hr/index.php/en/forests/general/forests-in-croatia (14 December 2013).
Supplementary files (if any)
Supplementary Files may be uploaded in any file format within Step Four of the online submission system (Open Journal System). Please name the Supplementary files as follows: Suppl. File 1, Suppl. File 2, etc. Supplementary materials should be referenced explicitly by the file name in the manuscript (e.g. "Supplementary Material 1: Data set 1) If supplementary material is provided, please provide following information on materials in the manuscript (file name, file format, title, short description). Supplementary materials will not be displayed in the final paper, but a link will be provided to the files as supplied by the author.
Tables should be inserted into the main text close to their first citation and must be numbered following their number of appearances (Table 1, Table 2, etc.).
Please use the table templates within Manuscript template that will facilitate the table preparation. Table caption should be written above the table and should clearly describe the contents of the table. Wherever apply, column headers should be labeled with abbreviations referred to in the caption or in the table legend placed below the table, but should be concise. For indicating numerical values please use points (e.g. 2.53). Avoid using colors in the tables. Only the table heading may be shaded (grey color). For larger tables, smaller fonts may be used, but no less than 8 pt. in size.
If tables are taken from other authors or publications, the sources should be clearly stated as a reference. It is the authors’ responsibility to obtain permission from the copyright holder to use tables that have previously been published elsewhere.
Figures (photographs, graphs, diagrams, schematic drawings, etc.) should be inserted into the main text close to their first citation and must be numbered following their number of appearances (Figure 1, Figure 2, etc.).
Besides figures inserted in the main text of the manuscript, file for figures must be provided during submission in a single zip archive and at a sufficiently high resolution (300 dpi or higher). Common formats are accepted, however, TIFF and JPEG are preferred. If the quality of the submitted figure is low, upon accepting the manuscript, authors will be asked to send the figure of a higher quality.
Figure caption should be written below the figure and should clearly describe the contents of the figure. A detailed legend may follow the figure, but should be concise. A legend may be placed inside or below the figure.
Both color and black-and-white figures are acceptable. However, consider carefully if the color is necessary. Color figures will be published online, while the black-and-white version of the figure will be published in the print version of the accepted paper. Diagrams and graphs should appear on a white background. Always use the same identifier (symbol, column fill, line style, and color) for a variable that appears in more than one figure of a manuscript.
If figures are taken from other authors or publications, the sources should be clearly stated as a reference. It is the authors’ responsibility to obtain permission from the copyright holder to use figures that have previously been published elsewhere.
Equations should be written clearly and must be numbered following their number of appearances in parentheses on the right side of the text. Write simple equations as text. Use Microsoft Equation (MS Office 2007 or higher) or MathType for complicated equations. Equations should be editable by the editorial office and not appear in a picture format. In the text, refer to the equations as Equation 1, Equation 2 etc.
SI Units (International System of Units) should be used. Imperial, US customary and other units should be converted to SI units whenever possible. Symbols, Greek or other characters must be defined and clearly explained.
Use always exponential notation for units instead of dash. Examples: m; m2; m3·ha-1; µmol·m‑2·s‑1, etc.
Use euros (preferred) or US dollars for all monetary values throughout the manuscript. If the original currency is other than US dollar, it must be converted to euros. Use the conversion factor for the time of the data collection if possible and provide the date (at least month and year) for the conversion factor used.
Scientific names
Use italics only for scientific names of plants, animals, microorganisms, etc. Authors of scientific names should be given only the first time a name appears in the abstract and in the text body but not in the manuscript title (e.g. Quercus robur L., Abies alba Mill.). If they are used throughout the manuscript, the popular names of species must be followed by the scientific names when first used in the text.
Abbreviations and Footnotes
Abbreviations and acronyms should be defined in the text where they are first used. Introduce an abbreviation only when the same term occurs three or more times.
Footnotes to text should not be used.
If you have any questions, please contact SEEFOR Editorial Office.
SEEFOR Editorial Office
Croatian Forest Research Institute
Cvjetno naselje 41
HR-10450 Jastrebarsko, Croatia
Tel: +385 1 62 73 000; +385 1 63 11 584
Fax: +385 1 62 73 035; +385 1 63 11 588
e-mail: seefor@sumins.hr
URL: www.seefor.eu