Publication Policy
SEEFOR is published semi-annually in both printed and online versions.
It publishes original scientific papers, preliminary communications and review papers.
Only original manuscripts that were not previously published elsewhere and that are not under consideration by another journal will be considered. It is the author's responsibility to obtain a written permission from the copyright holder to reproduce figures or tables that were published elsewhere.
Only papers written in proper English will be considered.
Manuscripts should be submitted online at Manuscript Submission by registering and logging in to this website. Electronic submission substantially reduces the editorial processing and reviewing times and shortens the overall publication time. Also, it allows authors to follow the whole editorial process and check the status of their manuscript.
No papers processing charge is applied.
All submitted manuscripts are going through the international double-blind peer review process, where authors and reviewers do not know each other. Exceptionally, based on his consent, the name of the reviewer may be disclosed to the authors. At least two reviewers revise the manuscript. The Editor-in-Chief or Managing Editor in accordance with Editor-in-Chief makes the final decision.
As far as accepted and prepared in the final format, the papers are published online and may be assessed within the Early View section. Every six months, the online published papers in the Early View section will be page-numbered and published within the new, upcoming SEEFOR issue. In some cases, when the order of the paper in the next issue is known, the early view paper may be page-numbered even before publication in the printed issue.
The Open Access policy of the journal provides free access to full-text articles in pdf or html format.
Unless otherwise noted, the Publishers hold the copyright on all papers published in the Journal, whether in print or electronic form, but allow anyone to download, reuse, reprint, distribute or copy them, as long as the original authors and work are properly cited.
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