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SEEFOR 1 (1): 28-40
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15177/seefor.10-04

Original scientific paper


Gap-phase Regeneration of a Central-European Sessile Oak-Hornbeam Forest

Tamás Tobisch 1*

1 Forest Research Institute, Department of Ecology and Silviculture, Várkerület 30/A, H-9600 Sárvár, Hungary

 * Corresponding author: e-mail:  

TOBISCH T 2010 Gap-phase Regeneration of a Central-European Sessile Oak-Hornbeam Forest. South-east Eur for 1 (1): 28-40. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15177/seefor.10-04

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Background and Purpose: Gap cutting can be regarded as a regeneration tool of close-to-nature forestry. However, very little is known about the gap-phase regeneration of sessile oak. This paper examines height growth of sessile oak (Quercus petraea) and hornbeam (Carpinus betulus) seedlings, as well as, spread of blackberry (Rubus fruticosus) in circular gaps of various sizes.
Material and Methods: Three gaps of 15 m (G15), three gaps of 30 m (G30) and two gaps of 45 m (G45) in diameter were cut in a sessile oak-hornbeam forest. Height of sessile oak and hornbeam seedlings, as well as, cover of soil moisture indicator plants and that of blackberry were monitored until the fourth year of the regeneration.
Results and Conclusion: ISessile oak grew faster in G30 than in G15, but the two larger gap types did not differ in this aspect. Intensity of hornbeam seedling development increased with gap size. Proliferation rate of blackberry was the highest in G45. Within the gaps, both sessile oak and hornbeam were the tallest in the centres. In the northern parts, competition ability of hornbeam decreased relatively to that of sessile oak. For spread of blackberry, the west locations were the most optimal. Development of both of sessile oak and hornbeam seedlings was related to soil moisture as indicated by the herb layer. It was concluded that regeneration of sessile oak could be made more secure if starting it with cutting small gaps (e.g. 0.5 tree height) and if these gaps are enlarged then gradually.

Keywords: Quercus petraea, Carpinus betulus, Rubus fruticosus, regeneration, gap, soil moisture


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