26 June 2017

New Editorial Board Members

We would like to welcome and introduce 15 new members of the SEEFOR editorial board.

We are grateful to them and all of our board members for their contributions to the SEEFOR journal and the forest community.

The new members are presented bellow, whereas the full editorial board is available at Editorial Team.

Mr. Michał Adamus
University of Agriculture in Krakow, Faculty of Forestry, Department of Forest Biodiversity
Krakow, Poland
Interests: Forest Ecology; Dendrology; Dendroecology; Urban Forestry; Arboriculture

Prof. Dr. Mersudin Avdibegović
University of Sarajevo; Faculty of Forestry; Department of Forest Economics, Policy and Organisation 
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina 
Interests: Forest Governance; Forest Policy and Legislation; Private Forestry and Rural Development; Conflict Solution in Natural Resources Management
Website-1; Website-2

Dr. Mike Hale
Bangor University; School of the Environment, Natural Resources and Geography,
Bangor, Gwynedd, Wales, UK
Interests: Forest Pathology, Wood Decay
Website-1; Website-2 

Prof. Dr. Stanimir Kostadinov
University of Belgrade; Faculty of Forestry; Chair of Forest Protection
Belgrade, Serbia 
Interests: Erosion and Torrent Control, Watershed Management, Sediment Management, Natural Hazards, Forest Hydrology
Website-1; Website-2 

Dr. Martin Kühmaier
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna; Department of Forest and Soil Sciences; Institute of Forest Engineering
Vienna, Austria
Interests: Timber Harvesting; Energy Wood Supply; Operations Management & Logistics; Life Cycle Assessment
Website-1; Website-2; Website-3

Dr. Dinka Matošević
Croatian Forest Research Institute; Division for Forest Protection and Game Management 
Jastrebarsko, Croatia
Interests: Forest Protection; Forest Entomology; Invasive Insect Species; Biology And Ecology Of Forest Insects; Biological Control, Parasitoids; Insect Pests In Urban Areas; Population Prognosis Of Forest Insects 
Website-1; Website-2; Website-3

Prof. Dr. Kalliopi Radoglou
Democritus University of Thrace; Department of Forestry and Management of Environment and Natural Resources
N. Orestiada, Greece
Interests: Climate Change; Greenhouse Mitigation; Environmental Stress to Tree Species and Ecosystems; Physiological Processes on Forest Ecosystem; Adaptation Mechanisms in Constraints Environments; Restoration and Rehabilitation of Forest Ecosystems; Vitality and Dormancy of Woody Plant Stock; Forest Protected Areas
Website-1; Website-2 

Prof. Dr. Špela Pezdevšek Malovrh
University of Ljubljana; Biotechnical Faculty; Department of Forestry and Renewable Forest Resources; 
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Interests: Private Forest Management, Forest Governance, Forest Policy and Legislation, Forest Economics
Website-1; Website-2

Dr. Andrej Pilipović
University of Novi Sad, Institute of Lowland Forestry and Environment
Novi Sad, Serbia
Interests: Tree Breeding, Plant Physiology, Ecophysiology, Gas Exchange, Phytoremediation
Website-1; Website-2 

Dr. Ljubinko Rakonjac
Institute of Forestry; Director 
Belgrade, Serbia
Interests: Forest Ecology, Phytosociology, Reforestation, Natural Resources

Prof. Dr. Celeste Santos e Silva
Évora University; Science and Technology School; Biology Department
Évora, Portugal
Interests: Diversity, Conservation and Mycological Resources Management; Mycorrhizal Synthesis; Plants-Fungi Relations; Production of Mycorrhizal Mushrooms
Website-1; Website-2 

Dr. Jonathan Sheppard
Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg; Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources; Chair of Forest Growth and Dendroecology
Freiburg, Germany
Interests: Forest Growth; Agroforestry; Forest Management and Silviculture; Non-Wood Forest Products; Remote Sensing
Website-1 ; Website-2 ; Website-3

Prof. Dr. Anita Simic
Bowling Green State University; College of Arts and Sciences; School of Earth, Environment and Society
Bowling Green, Ohio, USA
Interests: Remote Sensing and GIS Applications for: Vegetation and Soil Science, Hydrology and Water Resources; Bioenergy Sustainability and Environmental Resources
Website-1; Website-2

Dr. Róbert Smreček
Technical University in Zvolen, Faculty of Forestry, Department of Forest Management and Geodesy
Zvolen, Slovakia
Interests: GIS; Remote Sensing; Laser Scanning; Forest Management; Ecosystem Services

Dr. Srđan Stojnić
University of Novi Sad, Institute of Lowland Forestry and Environment
Novi Sad, Serbia
Interests: Genetics and Breeding of Forest Tree Species
Website-1 ; Website-2