Editorial Team

 - starting with 2020
 - the previous Editorial Teams are available at: Editorial Team (2010-2012), Editorial Team (2013-2016) and Editorial Team (2017-2019)


Dr. Ivan Balenović
Croatian Forest Research Institute (Zagreb, Croatia)
Interests: Digital Photogrammetry; Laser Scanning (Airborne, Terrestrial, Mobile, Personnel); Remote Sensing; Forest Inventory; Forest Mensuration
Website; E-mail 


Co-Editors-in-Chief  (in alphabetical order)

Prof. Dr. Mersudin Avdibegović
University of Sarajevo; Faculty of Forestry (Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina) 
Interests: Forest Governance; Forest Policy and Legislation; Private Forestry and Rural Development; Conflict Solution in Natural Resources Management

Dr. Dane Marčeta
University of Banja Luka; Faculty of Forestry (Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Interests: Forest Utilization, Mechanization in Forestry, Biomass, Non-Wood Forest Products

Dr. Sanja Perić
Croatian Forest Research Institute (Jastrebarsko, Croatia)
Interests: Silviculture; Adaptive Forest Management (AFM); Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR); Nursery Production
Website; E-mail

Dr. Ljubinko Rakonjac
Institute of Forestry (Belgrade, Serbia)
Interests: Forest Ecology, Phytosociology, Reforestation, Natural Resources

Prof. Dr. Kiril Sotirovski
Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje; "Hans Em" Faculty of Forest Sciences, Landscape Architecture and Environmental Engineering (Skopje, North Macedonia) 
Interests: Forest Plant Pathology; Biological Control of Plant Diseases

Dr. Srđan Stojnić
University of Novi Sad, Institute of Lowland Forestry and Environment (Novi Sad, Serbia)
Interests: Genetics and Breeding of Forest Tree Species

Prof. Dr. Mirjana Šijačić-Nikolić
University of Belgrade; Faculty of Forestry (Belgrade, Serbia) 
Interests: Forest Genetics; Plant Breeding; Decorative Plants Breeding; Conservation and Sustainable Utilization of Forest Genetic Resources; Quantitative Genetics; Molecular Genetics of Forest Trees


Editorial Board

Dr. Evangelia Avramidou
Hellenic Agricultural Organization “DEMETER”; Institute of Mediterranean Forest Ecosystems, Athens; Laboratory of Silviculture, Forest Genetics and Biotechnology (Athens, Greece)
Interests: Forest Genetics; Forest Epigenetics; Population Genetics; QTL; Genetic Mapping

Prof. Dr. Sezgin Ayan
Kastamonu University; Faculty of Forestry (Kastamonu, Turkey) 
Interests: Seedling Propagation Techniques; Soilless Culture; Seed Clonal Orchards; Afforestration; Restoration
Website; E-mail

Prof. Dr. Dalibor Ballian
University of Sarajevo; Faculty of Forestry; Department of Silviculture and Urban Greeening 
Zagrebačka 20, BA-71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina 
Interests: Forest Genetics and Breeding; Conservation Biology; Ecology; Silviculture
Website-1; Website-2

Dr. György Csóka
Hungarian Forest Research Institute 
P.O. Box 2, Hegyalja u. 18., HU-3232 Mátrafüred, Hungary
Interests: Spread and Impact of Alien Insects; Oak Herbivore Insects; Gall Inducing Insects; Forests Health Monitoring; Climate Change
Website-1; Website-2; Website-3

Prof. Dr. Achim Dohrenbusch
Goettingen University; Faculty of Forest Sciences and Forest Ecology 
Büsgenweg 1, DE-37077 Göttingen, Germany
Interests: Silviculture, Forest Management, Forest Ecology, Forest History, Forest Education 
Website-1; Website-2

Prof. Dr. Vojislav Dukić
University of Banja Luka; Faculty of Forestry
Bulevar Vojvode Stepe Stepanovića 75a, BA-78000 Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina 
Interests: Forest Management; Forest Inventory; Dendrochronology; Modeling Forest Trees and Stands
Website-1; Website-2

Dr. Mike Hale
Bangor University; School of the Environment, Natural Resources and Geography,
Bangor, Gwynedd, LL55 2UW, Wales, UK
Interests: Forest Pathology, Wood Decay
Website-1; Website-2 

Prof. Dr. Florin Ioras
Buckinghamshire New University; Institute for Conservation; Sustainability and Innovation; 
Queen Alexandra Road, High Wycombe, Bucks HP11 2JZ, United Kingdom
Interests: Forest Ecology; Rural Development; Carbon Sequestration; Operational Management; Forest Policy 
Website-1; Website-2
E-mail-1; E-mail-2

Prof. Dr. Cecil C. Konijnendijk
The University of British Columbia; Faculty of Forestry
2424 Main Mall, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4, Canada
Interests: Urban Forestry, Urban Greening, Green Infrastructure Planning, Socio-Cultural Aspects of Urban Nature, Green Space Governance
Website-1; Website-2; Website-3

Prof. Dr. Stanimir Kostadinov
University of Belgrade; Faculty of Forestry
Kneza Višeslava 1, RS-11030 Belgrade, Serbia 
Interests: Erosion and Torrent Control, Watershed Management, Sediment Management, Natural Hazards, Forest Hydrology
Website-1; Website-2 
E-mail-1; E-mail-2

Dr. Martin Kühmaier
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna
Peter-Jordan-Strasse 82, 1190 Vienna, Austria
Interests: Timber Harvesting; Energy Wood Supply; Operations Management & Logistics; Life Cycle Assessment
Website-1; Website-2; Website-3

Dr. Dinka Matošević
Croatian Forest Research Institute
Cvjetno naselje 41, HR-10450 Jastrebarsko, Croatia
Interests: Forest Protection; Forest Entomology; Invasive Insect Species; Biology And Ecology Of Forest Insects; Biological Control, Parasitoids; Insect Pests In Urban Areas; Population Prognosis Of Forest Insects 
Website-1; Website-2; Website-3

Prof. Dr. Csaba Mátyás
University of Sopron; Institute of Environmental and Earth Sciences; 
HU-9401 Sopron, P.o.b. 132, Hungary
Interests: Tree Population Genetics, Genecology, Forest Reproductive Material Use, Climate Change Adaptation
Website-1; Website-2


Prof. Dr. Ljupco Nestorovski
Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje; Faculty of Forestry
Bul. Aleksandar Makedonski b.b., 
MK-1000 Skopje, Macedonia 
Interests: Forest Operations and Techniques; Biomass Harvesting
Website-1; Website-2; Website-3

Dr. Radovan Nevenić
Institute of Forestry
Kneza Višeslava 3, 
RS-11030 Belgrade, Serbia
Interests: Improvement and Protection of Natural Resources, GIS, Forest Policy 
Website-1; Website-2
E-mail-1; E-mail-2 

Dr. Milan Pernek
Croatian Forest Research Institute
Cvjetno naselje 41, 
HR-10450 Jastrebarsko, Croatia
Website-1  Website-2

Prof. Dr. Kalliopi Radoglou
Democritus University of Thrace; Department of Forestry and Management of Environment and Natural Resources
Pantazidou 193, GR_68200 N. Orestiada, Greece
Interests: Climate Change; Greenhouse Mitigation; Environmental Stress to Tree Species and Ecosystems; Physiological Processes on Forest Ecosystem; Adaptation Mechanisms in Constraints Environments; Restoration and Rehabilitation of Forest Ecosystems; Vitality and Dormancy of Woody Plant Stock; Forest Protected Areas
Website-1; Website-2 
E-mail-1; E-mail-2

Prof. Dr. Špela Pezdevšek Malovrh
University of Ljubljana; Biotechnical Faculty
Večna pot 83, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Interests: Private Forest Management, Forest Governance, Forest Policy and Legislation, Forest Economics
Website-1; Website-2

Dr. Andrej Pilipović
University of Novi Sad, Institute of Lowland Forestry and Environment
Antona Čehova 13, RS-21000 Novi Sad, Serbia
Interests: Tree Breeding, Plant Physiology, Ecophysiology, Gas Exchange, Phytoremediation
Website-1; Website-2 

Prof. Dr. Celeste Santos e Silva
Évora University; Science and Technology School
Largo dos Colegiais 2, 7000 Évora, Portugal
Interests: Diversity, Conservation and Mycological Resources Management; Mycorrhizal Synthesis; Plants-Fungi Relations; Production of Mycorrhizal Mushrooms
Website-1; Website-2 

Dr. Jonathan Sheppard
Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg; Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources
Tennenbacher Str. 4, 79106 Freiburg, Germany
Interests: Forest Growth; Agroforestry; Forest Management and Silviculture; Non-Wood Forest Products; Remote Sensing
Website-1; Website-2 ; Website-3

Prof. Dr. Anita Simic
Bowling Green State University; College of Arts and Sciences; School of Earth, Environment and Society
190 Overman Hall, Bowling Green, OH 43403, USA
Interests: Remote Sensing and GIS Applications for: Vegetation and Soil Science, Hydrology and Water Resources; Bioenergy Sustainability and Environmental Resources
Website-1; Website-2

Dr. Róbert Smreček
Technical University in Zvolen, Faculty of Forestry
T. G. Masaryka 24, 960 53 Zvolen, Slovakia
Interests: GIS; Remote Sensing; Laser Scanning; Forest Management; Ecosystem Services

Dr. Urša Vilhar
Slovenian Forestry Institute 
Večna pot 2, 
SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia 
Interests: Forest Hydrology, Tree Phenology, Forest Pedagogy
Website-1; Website-2; Website-3

Dr. Dijana Vuletić
Croatian Forest Research Institute
Cvjetno naselje 41, HR-10450 Jastrebarsko, Croatia
Interests: Forest Management; Forest Economics; Forest Policy and Governance