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Reference Preparation Guide
All references cited in the text, including those in tables and figures, have to be listed in the References section according to the order of their appearance in the manuscript. If some reference appears in the text more than once, do not repeat it in the references list. Reference numbers should be placed in square brackets [ ], and placed before the punctuation; for example [1] or [2-4].
Examples of in-text citations:
… text text text [1].
… text text text [1, 2].
… text text text [3-6].
… text text text [1]
… text text text [2-5].
… According to James et al. [5] the influence of…
…James [5] stated that…
Reference list
The list of references should only include works that are cited in the text and that have been published or accepted for publication. Personal communications, Forest management plans and unpublished works should only be mentioned in the text, preferably in parentheses (Dr. John Do, University of Zagreb, pers. comm. in 2011). Avoid citing non-scientific literatures (e.g. legislations, regulations, web pages, etc.) as much as possible.
a) Journal paper:
Cite in sequence all authors names and initials (last name first, then the first letters of the first name and, if available, the first letters of the middle name), the year of publication, the title of paper, the abbreviated name of journal, the volume and issue number of the journal, and first and last pages. There should be no punctuation other than a comma to separate the authors. Abbreviate journal titles according to the ISO4 Abbreviation and Journal Title Abbreviations from Web of Science.
Do not use footnotes or endnotes as a substitute for the reference list.
LASTNAME FM, LASTNAME FM, LASTNAME FM Year Title of the paper. Journal Abbreviation Volume (Issue): Firstpage-lastpage. DOI or URL if available (Date of accessing)
1. PERNEK M, LACKOVIĆ N, MATOŠEVIĆ D 2013 Biology and natural enemies of spotted ash looper, Abraxas pantaria (Lepidoptera, Geometridae) in Krka National Park. Period Biol 115 (3): 371-377
2. BALENOVIĆ I, SELETKOVIĆ A, PERNAR R, MARJANOVIĆ H, VULETIĆ D, PALADINIĆ E, KOLIĆ J, BENKO M 2011 Digital Photogrammetry – State of the Art and Potential for Application in Forest Management in Croatia. South-East Eur For 2 (2): 81-93
- if the paper has more than eight authors, stop the listing after the eighth author and write et al.
3. VULETIĆ D, AVDIBEGOVIĆ M, STOJANOVSKA M, NEVENIĆ R, HASKA H, POSAVEC S, KRAJTER S, PERI L, et al. 2013 Contribution to the understanding of typology and importance of forest-related conflicts in South East Europe region. Period Biol 115 (3): 385-390
- papers written in the language other than English (e.g. German, Russian, Croatian, Serbian, etc.) should be translated into English.
4. MARJANOVIĆ H, OSTROGOVIĆ MZ, ALBERTI G, BALENOVIĆ I, PALADINIĆ E, INDIR K, PERESSOTTI A, VULETIĆ D 2011 Carbon Dynamics in younger Stands of Pedunculate Oak during two Vegetation Periods (in Croatian with English summary). Sumar list 134 (11-12): 59-73
- papers in journals with DOI number:
5. VULETIĆ D, POTOČIĆ N, KRAJTER S, SELETKOVIĆ I, FÜRST C, MAKESCHIN F, GALIĆ Z, LORZ C, at al. 2009 How Socio-Economic Conditions Influence Forest Policy Development in Central and South-East Europe. Environ Manage 46 (6): 931-940. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00267‑010-9566-3
- Early View papers (published online, waiting to be published in print version):
6. MATOŠEVIĆ D 2013 Box Tree Moth (Cydalima perspectalis, Lepidoptera; Crambidae), New Invasive Insect Pest in Croatia. South-East Eur For 4 (2): (early view). URL: http://www.seefor.eu/36-vol4-no2-matosevic.html (20 December 2013)
- or (if doi number is available):
7. ANČIĆ M, PERNAR R, BAJIĆ M, SELETKOVIĆ A, KOLIĆ J 2013 Detecting mistletoe infestation on Silver fir using hyperspectral images. iForest (early view). DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3832/ifor1035-006
b) Paper in Proceedings:
LASTNAME FM, LASTNAME FM, LASTNAME FM Year Title of the paper. In: Lastname FM, LastnamE FM (eds) Title of Collected Work (if available) or Proceedings of the Name of the Conference, Location of Conference, Country, Date of Conference. Publisher, City, Country, Firstpage-lastpage.
8. BALENOVIĆ I, SELETKOVIĆ A, PERNAR R, MARJANOVIĆ H, VULETIĆ D, BENKO M 2012 Comparison of Classical Terrestrial and Photogrammetric Method in Creating Management Division. In: Pentek T, Poršinsky T, Šporčić M (eds) Forest Engineering - Concern, Knowledge and Accountability in Today’s Environment, Proceedings of 45th International Symposium on Forestry Mechanization, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 8-12 October 2012. Forestry Faculty of University Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, pp 1-13
c) Book:
LASTNAME FM, LASTNAME FM Year Title of the Book. Publisher, City, Country, Page range
9. VAN LAAR A, AKÇA A 2007 Forest Mensuration. Springer, Berlin, Germany, 383 p
d) Chapter in a book:
LASTNAME FM, LASTNAME FM Year Title of the Chapter. In: Lastname FM, Lastname FM (eds) Title of the Book. Publisher, City, Country, Firstpage-lastpage.
10. CURTIS PS 2008 Estimating Aboveground Carbon in Live and Standing Dead Trees. In: Hoover CM (ed) Field Measurements for Forest Carbon Monitoring. Springer, New York, NY, USA, pp 39-44
e) Thesis:
LASTNAME FM Year Title of the Thesis. Type of Thesis (PhD or MSc), Faculty, City, Country, Page range
11. OSTROGOVIĆ MZ 2013 Carbon stocks and carbon balance of an even-aged Pedunculate Oak (Quercus robur L.) forest in Kupa river basin (in Croatian with English summary). PhD thesis, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Forestry, Zagreb, Croatia, 130 p
12. MARJANOVIĆ H 2005 Applicability of forest growth simulator as an additional tool in forest management in Croatia (in Croatian with English summary). MSc thesis, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Forestry, Zagreb, Croatia, 110 p
f) Non-scientific literature:
- Paper in online magazine:
LASTNAME FM, LASTNAME FM, LASTNAME FM Year Title of the paper. Journal Abbreviation (if available) or full Journal name Volume (Issue) (if available). URL: (Date of accessing)
13. LEMMENS M 2011 Digital Photogrammetric Workstations, Status and Features. GIM International 25 (12). URL: http://www.gim-international.com/issues/articles/id1797-Digital_Photogrammetric_Workstations.html (20 November 2012)
- Professional and other web pages:
INSTITUTION Year Title of the topic. URL: (Date of accessing)
14. CROATIAN FORESTS LTD 2013 Forests in Croatia. URL: http://portal.hrsume.hr/index.php/en/forests/general/forests-in-croatia (14 December 2013)
- Manuals, Reports and other documents from web pages:
LASTNAME FM of Authors or INSTITUTION (preferably abbreviation) Year Title of the manual or report. Institution (publisher), City, Country, Page range. URL: (Date of accessing)
15. DOBBERTIN M, NEUMANN M 2010 Tree Growth. Manual Part V. In: Manual on methods and criteria for harmonized sampling, assessment, monitoring and analysis of the effects of air pollution on forests. UNECE ICP Forests Programme Co-ordinating Centre, Hamburg, Germany, 29 p. URL: http://www.icp-forests.org/Manual.htm (12 December 2013)
16. FAO 2012 State of the World’s Forests 2012. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy, 47 p. URL: http://www.fao.org/docrep/016/i3010e/i3010e.pdf (12 December 2013)
- Legislations, Regulations:
GOVERNING BODY Year Title of the law or regulation. Name of the official Journal Number, City, Country. URL: (Date of accessing)
17. GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF CROATIA 2005 Law on forests (in Croatian). Official Gazette 140/05, Zagreb, Croatia. URL: http://narodne-novine.nn.hr/clanci/sluzbeni/290164.html (10 December 2013)
18. THE MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND WATER MANAGEMENT 2006 Regulation on forest management (in Croatian). Official Gazette 111/06, Zagreb, Croatia. URL: http://narodne-novine.nn.hr/clanci/sluzbeni/128205.html (10 December 2013)
If you have any additinal questions please contact Dr. Ivan Balenović at ivanb@sumins.hr.
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