SEEFOR 2 (1): 43-48
Professional paper
Some Indicators of Beech Forests Vitality in the Republic of Serbia in Period 2004-2009
Radovan Nevenić 1*, Ljubinko Rakonjac 1, Svetlana Bilibajkić 1, Tomislav Stefanović 1, Zoran Poduška 1, Renata Gagić-Serdar 1, Ilija Đorđević1, Goran Češljar 1
1 Institute of Forestry, Beograd, Serbia, Kneza Višeslava 3, 11030 Belgrade, Serbia
* Corresponding author: e-mail:
NEVENIĆ R, RAKONJAC LJ, BILIBAJKIĆ S, STEFANOVIĆ T, PODUŠKA Z, GAGIĆ-SERDAR R, ĐORĐEVIĆ I, ČEŠLJAR G 2011 Some Indicators of Beech Forests Vitality in the Republic of Serbia in Period 2004-2009. South-east Eur for 2 (1): 43-48. DOI:
Cited by: CrossRef Google Scholar
Background and Purpose: Forests monitoring is one of the largest forest bio-monitoring systems that is carried out in order to record changes by using the most important environmental parameters. The National Focal Centre for forest monitoring in the Republic of Serbia, within the Institute of Forestry of the Republic of Serbia has been taking an active part in an international program of ICP Forest, with a view to improving its working activities and harmonizing them with other approaches to monitoring forests and forest ecosystems.
Material and Methods: In order to determine forest ecosystem processes, it is necessary to carry out detailed research of ecological and socio-economic consequences of forest deterioration and to study the impacts of regional climate changes on forest communities. In the period from 2004 to 2009, observations were performed on 130 sample plots and data necessary for further analysis were collected. These plots are systematically arranged in either a 16x16 km or a 4 x 4 km grid system. The main parameters assessed on the sample plots are the degree of defoliation and discolouration as well as the extent of damage. A comparative analysis of the data obtained in this period will provide a better insight into the present state of beech forests in Serbia as well the effects of defoliation and discolouration trends.
Results and Conclusion: Beech is the most common broadleaved tree species on the Level I sample plots. Its health state is the result of adverse effects of complex factors of abiotic and biotic origin (i.e. effects of both living organisms and complex natural processes within the beech forests habitats). This paper presents some indicators of beech forest vitality whose occurrence show certain regularity and which can be interpreted as a trend. The annual values of the health state elements and the fluctuations of these parameters from year to year present important indicators of vitality of beech forests in Serbia.
Keywords: health state, pollution, crown, beech
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